August 23-25, 2018
Lotte City Hotel, Jeju Island, Korea


LNCS Free Access (4 weeks)

Information Security Applications


To be announced

1. Author Registration
Please make an author registration for your paper. It is mandatory that accepted work must have At LEAST ONE AUTHOR registered by ** August 21, 2018 (23:59 KST)** in order to guarantee your publication.
2. No-show papers
One of the authors (or a qualified substitute) must present the paper at the workshop in order to avoid automatic withdrawal of the paper from the workshop. No-show paper will NOT be included in LNCS proceedings.


  WISA will provide accepted papers with the following publishing options that author can choose after their paper acceptance.
1. LNCS Proceeding. This will be considered as LNCS Journal publication.
2. WISA Local Proceeding. This will be considered as a workshop publication, an extension of which can be submitted to other conference and journal venues. 

3. Selected Papers for Journal Recommendation
After closing WISA 2017, some selected papers (about 30%) will be recommended to the following peer-review journals indexed in SCIE. Depending on each of journal publication policy, we will accordingly take different way as followings.
* Selected Papers recommended for Computer & Security (ISSN: 0167-4048):
- Your paper will be included in LNCS proceedings.
- Also, its extended version will be published in the journal if the extended version is accepted via journal review process.
* Selected Papers recommended for International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (ISSN: 1550-1329):
- Your paper will NOT be included in LNCS proceedings: Hindawi doesn't allow to submit the extended version of papers previously published in the proceedings.
- Only your revised paper will be published in the journal if the extended version is accepted via journal review process.
* All other accepted and presented papers will be published as articles in Springer's LNCS proceedings indexed in EI & SCOPUS.